For this episode of Masters of Community we are bringing on Max Altschuler, founder of SalesHacker, a global online community for B2B Sales professionals. Before SalesHacker, Max was co-founder of CMX with our host David Spinks. Max and David talk about what it takes to get a community up and running and how to tailor your community events to the specific needs and personality of your community members. Max talks about the importance of learning from failure along the way of his career path and describes what he discovered to truly work for him and his business throughout his path. Max has been a virtual event creator long before the rest of us had to transition in 2020 and he shares his wisdom on what he has found to be the key to hosting a successful virtual event. Max’s advice is straightforward and incredibly valuable to anyone looking to make their virtual community grow.

Who is this episode for?: Community builders who are starting or scaling an online community for B2B Companies

3 key takeaways:
- Max explains how he considers the common personality type of the individuals within a community as an important factor when deciding what kind of event to put on.
- He describes the different phases of his career and emphasizes the importance of focusing on learning early in your career in preparation for earning more later in life.
- How SalesHacker grew to the point of acquisition by and how he maintained the integrity of the community through the transition