This week on the podcast I am joined by Andrea Liebross. Andrea is an author, certified business and life coach, and host of the Time to Level Up podcast. She’s known for helping high-achieving entrepreneurs make the shift from overwhelm to freedom so they stop thinking small and start thinking big. Through her work, she guides her clients to create their own secret sauce for success by combining two ingredients - the right mindset and solid systems. In this episode of the podcast we are talking about tips for shifting from overwhelm to freedom, how to let go of the hustle mindset in a world that praises being busy, Andrea's secret sauce for shifting your mindset and finding success without overwhelm, business lessons that she's learned in her career and more.


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In this episode:

Andrea shares the 3 most valuable resources for entrepreneurs Andrea’s career background and how she ended up with business and life coaching The 4 guideposts for business owners How to shift away from a “hustle” mentality and mindset Questioning what we consider urgent and important and how to approach it Making time for larger projects Making the shift from overwhelmed to freedom

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