This week on the podcast I am joined by Brit Kolo from Marketing Personalities. After spending years working as a marketing coach, Brit created her own business where she studied the 16 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality types and determined what the best marketing strategy is for each of them.

On this episode, Brit and I talk about Marketing Personalities, including why this important, how we can use our individual marketing personality to our benefit in our businesses, and how to start saying "no" to the things we think we should be doing in our businesses but aren't serving us. Brit also goes through my MBTI personality type - ENJF - and gives some examples of the type of marketing that ENFJ's (like me!) should be doing in their businesses.

This was a really eye opening episode for me, and since implementing the strategies of my marketing personality into my business, I've seen a ton of shifts away from the things I think I should be doing and towards the marketing strategies that excite and light me up most.


*This episode originally aired in June 2019