This week on the podcast I am joined by Amber Sears from Epic Self! Amber is a mind, body, spirit transformation and business coach. Her mission it to empower people to dramatically upgrade their personal and professional lives with mind-body fitness, peak performance nutrition, lifestyle design, and conscious business.

Amber specializes in producing deeply healing and empowering retreats and teacher training programs around the globe. She also work intimately with new and established health & wellness entrepreneurs to help them build their dream businesses, so they can make massive impact on those they serve.

On this episode of the podcast, Amber shares her journey in dance, pilates, and yoga, as well as some of her biggest learnings through leading international retreats and trainings around the world, how we can reframe the concept of money to build sustainable businesses, how she created her business online, and so much more.



This episode of the podcast is also brought to by YogaBossBabe. YBB is a monthly lifestyle subscription box for passionate and motivated female yoga entrepreneurs who want to build and grow their business. Each month you receive a box of goodies to keep you on track and feeling inspired with your business. For more information, please visit and use promo code MBOM15 to get 15% off your first box.