Mary Ann is the founder, intuitive healer, and guide of The Warrior Goddess Way, a spiritually based women's empowerment group. Mary Ann's soul mission is to awaken women to who they truly are and their innate power. She is passionate about women living the amazing lives there were meant to. She holds space for them to delve deep into their pain and unworthiness to discover their own purpose and truth. She has been on an intense spiritual journey for several years, accepting life’s challenges, processing pain, and learning how to be free from any self-imposed limitations. Last December, she felt compelled to begin sharing her journey with other women. She uses meditation, crystals, and astrology as tools to help women heal from past pains in order to embrace their divine feminine power. Learn more at

In this presentation you will learn:

How to free yourself from anxiety, stress, and feeling drained to begin having genuine connections with others to experience the passionate life you truly deserve. In a day and age when technology is making it easier than ever to connect with others, people are feeling more alone than they ever have. Together we will explore the modern challenges people have to love and fulfillment. We will discuss:

-How essential vulnerability is for love to thrive and what prevents us from being vulnerable to experience the love we deserve.

-Embracing your flaws and your shadow side will allow yourself to love yourself more fully and therefore have a more fulfilling connection with others.

-How your thoughts disrupt your life and hold you back from the peace and love you seek and often lead to anxiety, insomnia, and depression and what you can do to disrupt that cycle.

-Accepting your emotions by understanding that there are no right or wrong emotions but that your feelings are an indicator of where you are in the moment.

-Aligning with your authentic self so you can hear your inner voice and therefore make decisions from a place of love rather than a place of fear.

Click here to access your complementary Awakening Discovery Call to explore what is going on in your life, relationship and/or intimacy that is holding you back from living the life you desire. After gaining clarity and insights, if you are interested to learn more about how I can help you, I will be glad to answer any questions regarding any of my one on one sessions, programs, immersions and retreats that may be a fit for you.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.