We are trying something different on Mastering Intensive Care.

My friend and fellow intensivist Ed Litton has cajoled me into joining him in a running event.

We will be running the Run Larapinta Stage Race in August 2023.

In this episode, we commence a mini-series discussing our lead up to the event.

Ed and I have different backgrounds as amateur endurance event participants, and in this episode, you’ll hear some of Ed’s endurance accomplishments, what the Run Larapinta event involves, and what we are both pondering as we start ramping up our training.

If you are a runner, an endurance activity participant, a person who exercises regularly, or someone who enjoys hearing about other people’s challenges, I hope you will enjoy listening in.


Andrew Davies




About the Mastering Intensive Care podcast: The podcast aims to inspire and empower you, through conversations about the human side of Intensive Care, to bring your best self to the Intensive Care bedside, with a focus on compassion, collaboration and personal wellbeing.




Relevant links

Ed Litton on Twitter: @ed_litton

Ed Litton at University of Western Australia

Mastering Intensive Care podcast - Episode 40 with Ed Litton

Run Larapinta Stage Race

Mastering Intensive Care podcast

Mastering Intensive Care page on Facebook

Mastering Intensive Care at Life In The Fast Lane

Andrew Davies on Twitter: @andrewdavies66

Andrew Davies on Instagram: @andrewdavies66

Andrew Davies on LinkedIn

Email Andrew Davies

Audio Producer Chris Burke

Burke Sound & Media

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