Are you sick of COVID?

How have you coped in this pandemic?

And what’s it actually felt like to live and work throughout this last two years?


Concerned for the wellbeing of healthcare professionals in the hardest hit ICUs during the COVID-19 pandemic I interviewed a group of clinicians previously featured on the podcast.

With an emphasis on personal wellbeing, I aimed to uncover their feelings, their struggles, their perspectives and their take-aways from this prolonged global healthcare crisis.

My hope is to help you to reflect on and to process your pandemic experience, and to hear lessons you might take away to your Intensive Care community.

In this first of a series of 6 episodes you’ll hear the voices of Dr Laura Rock, Dr Peter Brindley and Dr Wes Ely, which were recorded in April/May 2021.

Thank you for listening to these wise and thoughtful Intensive Care clinicians tell you how they’ve been “Persevering Through A Pandemic”.


Andrew Davies