You know such kind of story - everybody is talking about security, but not really everybody knows what it effectively means. Especially security in Embedded Systems has become a valid topic in the last years. My today's guest has an intimate knowledge about all kind of aspects of security for Embedded Devices. I wanted to welcome Andrey Nikishin from Kaspersky Labs.

Many of you will remember Kaspersky Labs as one of the main competitors in providing anti-virus software. However they have become much more. Andrey describes himself as evangelist of new technologies and new business directions. As an expert for cyber security he is working very closely with Kaspersky OS - an operating system designed for security from scratch.

I got in touch with Andrey at the Embedded World in Nuremberg. I've seen their booth and initially thought: "What does the manufacturer of anti-virus software do at such exhibition?" I was so wrong! The threats towards security and integrity of embedded devices has grown heavily over the last decade. But that's only one aspect. The other side of the medal are the ubiquitously available small embedded devices connected via the Internet. The bare amount of embedded systems in all parts of our life has dramatically increased during the last years. And they will still grow for the next decades.

Stay with me and enjoy the chat.

Tech Chat: Security in Embedded Systems with Andrey Nikishin

You know such kind of story – everybody is talking about security, but not really everybody knows what it effectively means. Especially security in Embedded Systems has become a valid topic in the last years. My today’s guest has an intimate knowledge about all kind of aspects of security for Embedded Devices. I wanted to welcome Andrey Nikishin from Kaspersky Labs.

Many of you will remember Kaspersky Labs as one of the main competitors in providing anti-virus software. However they have become much more. Andrey describes himself as evangelist of new technologies and new business directions. As an expert for cyber security he is working very closely with Kaspersky OS – an operating system designed for security from scratch.

I got in touch with Andrey at the Embedded World in Nuremberg. I’ve seen their booth and initially thought: “What does the manufacturer of anti-virus software do at such exhibition?” I was so wrong! The threats towards security and integrity of embedded devices has grown heavily over the last decade. But that’s only one aspect. The other side of the medal are the ubiquitously available small embedded devices connected via the Internet. The bare amount of embedded systems in all parts of our life has dramatically increased during the last years. And they will still grow for the next decades.

Andrey thankfully provided me some documents and white-papers about the mentioned topics. Have a look at them in the links-section below.

Stay with me and enjoy the chat.

Essential Answers Provided In This Episode For:

What has changed in the industry belonging security in the last two decades?
Why Andrey’s dog is not (yet) connected?
What actual security threats do we see for Embedded Devices?
Security, safety, and functionality! How shall devices be built from the very beginning?
What are the main drawbacks of traditional OSs belonging security?
Why do we need a different way of thinking in SW-development?
What should be considered by everybody when dealing with security?
And much much more.

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

Andrey Nikishin at LinkedIn
Andrey Nikishin on Twitter
Kaspersky Labs
Kaspersky Labs – Industrial Cyber Security
Kaspersky OS – Whitepaper
KasperskyOS – Secure OS for the Internet of Thing
KasperskyOS – Secure OS for Telecoms Environment
Embedded World 2016

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The post Tech Chat: Security in Embedded Systems – MES036 appeared first on Embedded Success.

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