Talking about bug-hunting has become a regular topic in this podcast. However there are tons of different persons out there using their own approach to handle bugs. All of them might have different attitudes, different approaches and different experiences. And it might be of interest to get more familiar with them and the details they can tell us.

Within today's episode we have Bero Brekalo as a guest for interview. Bero is one of my very first listeners not directly related to me. We got acquainted after release of Episode 2. We have had a long mail-discussion about debugging, our different and common understanding. Especially Bero's very interesting debugging tools made me curious.

As more as we discussed and as more as I got familiar with Bero, I more and more get the impression, that he's Mr. Bug-Hunting in person. Today I have the pleasure to present you Bero Brekalo. We're talking about many details of debugging. You get further details about his approach and his understanding of debugging. And you get acquainted with a very experienced engineer, who has gone through a lot of storms and bad weather. Let's stay with me and enjoy the interview.

Engineers’ Talk: Mr. Bug-Hunting: Bero Brekalo

Talking about bug-hunting has become a regular topic in this podcast. However there are tons of different persons out there using their own approach to handle bugs. All of them might have different attitudes, different approaches and different experiences. And it might be of interest to get more familiar with them and the details they can tell us.

Within today’s episode we have Bero Brekalo as a guest for interview. Bero is one of my very first listeners not directly related to me. We got acquainted after release of Episode 2. We have had a long mail-discussion about debugging, our different and common understanding. Especially Bero’s very interesting debugging tools made me curious.

As more as we discussed and as more as I got familiar with Bero, I more and more get the impression, that he’s Mr. Bug-Hunting in person. Today I have the pleasure to present you Bero Brekalo. We’re talking about many details of debugging. You get further details about his approach and his understanding of debugging. And you get acquainted with a very experienced engineer, who has gone through a lot of storms and bad weather. Let’s stay with me and enjoy the interview.

Essential Answers Provided In This Episode For:

Why do we need debugging?
How could binary tracing support you in your searching for bugs?
What are the essential points you need to know from your logging?
How does Bero’s fixed price strategy help in finding the root-cause?
What kind of hopeless problems is Bero confronted with?
Why debugging effort is regularly underestimated?
When should you ask for help?
And much much more.

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

Bero Brekalo on LinkedIn

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The post Engineers’ Talk: Mr. Bug-Hunting Bero Brekalo – MES019 appeared first on Embedded Success.