Day 2 of the Embedded World - MES053

This is the 2nd episode of my 2017 visit to the Embedded World exhibition in Nuremberg. For the 1st part please refer to this episode.

I have captured these details on my 2nd day at the Embedded World 2017 in Nuremberg. I once again want to present smaller companies. Of course always with interesting, sometimes even exciting offers. I do not want to ignore the bigger ones, however it’s like looking for nuggets. You have to dig deeper and scrutinize into the inner details. I would be very happy if you find something in for you which is worthwhile to share again. Please do not hesitate and forward this episode to your friends and colleagues.

You are a more visual person? You’d like to see some details? Then look at my day#2 video and  day #1 video at YouTube.

The Embedded World topics in this episode are:

Cryptosource’s fleaTLS – a free TLS implementation designed for small footprint. Available royalty free in 3rd quarter 2017.
Asaphus Vision presenting their Face Recognition Library. They support head- and eye-tracking and face-identification mainly, but not only, for self-driving vehicles.
Timing suite for real-time systems by GLIWA. Supervise and collect timing- and stack-conditions on-the-fly in your embedded device.
RTSoft supports you with experts for BSPs, drivers, middleware and APIs.
HALCON is the machine vision solution by MVTec. They provide a versatile system supporting deep learning in visual data gathering.
Grammatech’s binary code-analysis finally makes analysis of 3rd-party software possible, even you do not have the source-code available.
My personal favorite of this day: Fraunhofer’s Equivert as new solution for dizziness therapy. An innovative idea presented as simple headphone with a lot of knowledge and experience inside. It gives dizzy patients the training they need to overcome their disease and step back into regular daily life.
And more details and observations from this second day.

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