We chat about climbing (duh), anxiety, therapy, normalizing mental health, why climbing is sexy, the Crag(ish) Dog Sitka Spruce Stahley, and Cayla's fav Crag Snacks.

Photo by Doug Hansen

I just can't say enough about how much I love Cayla Stahley. Like as soon as she sat down in the Subio to record this episode I was like "I'M HOOKED!". Cayla joins us to talk anxiety, normalizing mental health, the therapeutic aspects of climbing, why climbing is sexy aaaand to tell us about her magnificent and adorable #cragdog Sitka Spruce Stahley. Cayla also tells us about her favorite CRAG SNACKS! and her future plans to help you and your brain/feelings out. Cayla is currently employed at the Bend Rock Gym in (guess where!) Bend, Oregon where she coaches kids! She is also an aspiring counselor, beer liker, and all around wonderful human being. You're going to love her too.  

You can find Cayla Stahley on Instagram @caylawantspeace, on Facebook as Cayla Stahley, and coaching some cutie patooties at the bend rock gym