Rob Donoghue and Fred Hicks come on the show to talk about an issue they're dealing with while working on the Dresden Files RPG -- working with the shield bracelet and how to mesh mechanical modeling and the feel from the fiction. They get pretty into it about what they're dealing with. Then Ryan talks about Chad Underkoffler's latest project, Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies, and talks about some listener email and his upcoming book.

Evil Hat Productions:

Evil Hat Productions
Dresden Files RPG (In production)
Spirit of the Century
Don't Rest Your Head
FATE: Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment

(Incidentally, I really like Evil Hat's new website look. Kudos, from one web developer to another.)

Design Watch:

Chad Underkoffler's Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies entries
Email me about thoughts or ideas regarding the pulp minis game for Nils

Blantant Plugs:

My blog entries about Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New Beginnings
A sample of Finis that shows off Fred's nigh-divine talents.

Other Mentions:

Gaming Podcast Network
Game Chef
The Butcher Block -- Fred's podcast about all things Jim Butcher
The episode where Fred and Rob mention briefly the shield bracelet and the RPG
Paul Tevis's podcast, Have Games, Will Travel
The episode where Paul talks about his miniatures gaming experiences

Running time: 23 minutes, 41 seconds / File size: 21.6 MB

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