Ryan brings the first of many guests on the show. This week, he talks with Chad Underkoffler of Atomic Sock Monkey Press about his Prose Descriptive Qualities (PDQ) system, specifically about the strange way damage is handled and what he went through to create and revise it.

Chad Underkoffler's Games:

Atomic Sock Money Press
PDQ Core Rules -- Free Download
Dead Inside
Monkey Ninja Pirate Robot Deluxe
Monkey Ninja Pirate Robot the RPG
Truth & Justice
The Zorcerer of Zo

Games Mentioned During Interview:

Ars Magica, Fifth Edition by Atlas Games (Later edition than referenced on the show)
Castle Falkenstein by R.Talsorian Games
FUDGE by Grey Ghost Press
Go Fish (Wikipedia entry)
GURPS by Steve Jackson Games
Marvel Super Heroes by TSR (Wikipedia entry)
Over the Edge by Atlas Games
Poker (Wikipedia entry)
Risus: The Anything RPG by S. John Ross
Unknown Armies by Atlas Games

Other Mentions During Interview:

Spider-Man (Wikipedia entry)
World's Finest -- Batman & Superman animated story (Wikipedia entry)

Design Watch:

The BibliOdyssey RPG Design Challenge
Grey Ranks by Bully Pulpit Games
The Voice of the Revolution -- Brennan Taylor's bits on game design


Interconnected game notes
Prisoner's Dilemma (Wikipedia entry)
Master Plan Web Column

Other Games Mentioned:

carry. a game about war. by Hamsterprophet Productions
Mortal Coil by Galileo Games
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach by Bully Pulpit Games

Upcoming Conventions:

Endgame Minicon -- April 7th, 2007 / Oakland, California
Conquest Sacramento -- April 13th-15th, 2007 / Sacramento, California

Podcasts Mentioned:

The Butcher Block
Geek Fu Action Grip
Have Games, Will Travel
I Should Be Writing
The Voice of the Revolution

Miscellaneous Mentions:

iPod by Apple

Running time: 24 minutes, 39 seconds / File size: 22.5 MB

Comment on the episode

- Ryan