Ryan talks with Seth Ben-Ezra on his latest game, A Flower For Mara. It's one of a new trend in the independent RPG scene, of taking ideas from the Nordic tradition of Jeepform and merging that with a Forge style. It's the first of a two-part interview, this half focusing on what Jeepform is and how this game came to be. Afterward, Jonathan Walton tells us a little bit about Bleeding Play, and Ryan talks a bit about submitting ideas for future episodes, October's Sponsor Quote, and an article on Kobold Quarterly.

Seth Ben-Ezra:

Dark Omen Games
A Flower for Mara
Dirty Secrets

Other Jeepform:

The Upgrade!
Under My Skin by Emily Care-Boss
Knutepunkt (Nodal Point) LARP conference (wikipedia)

Other Mentions:

Bleeding Play
Theory from the Closet
Game design podcasts on RPGPodcasts.com
Canon Puncture
"Passionate about Gaming? Listen to Podcasts" on Kobold Quarterly

Running time: 24:25 / File size: 16.8M

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