On this episode (which is my longest yet), Fred Hicks and I kick off the long-awaited series on mechanics with a discussion about "points of tension," relating both to Don't Rest Your Head's Exhaustion mechanic and Mythender's Mortality mechanic. Fred starts with a wacky assertion -- that conflict is underutilized in RPGs -- and goes from there. Afterwards, Ryan brings up three things: the now-in-preorder Don't Lose your Mind (which he's proud to be the editor of), Levi Kornelsen & Amagi Games, and a new podcasting project with Paul Tevis called This Just In From GenCon. This time, he remembers the Design Watch bump.

Specific Mentions:
Don't Lose Your Mind by Evil Hat Productions (pre-order)
Amagi Games
This Just In From GenCon (also available through our sponsor, DriveThruRPG.com)
GenCon 2008 Podcasting Track (Pulp Gamer)

Games & Other Mentions:
Don't Rest Your Head by Evil Hat Productions
Hero's Banner by Tim C Koppang
The Game Master Show episode with Fred Hicks
Requiem Chronicler's Guide by White Wolf
Dresden Files by Evil Hat Productions
Escape or Die! by Fred Hicks
Indie Press Revolution
PDQ by Chad Underkoffler
Mythender (my blog)
Running time: 35:47 / File size: 24.6 MB

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