Ryan sits down with Leonard Balsera of Evil Hat Productions and talks about a design concept central to the FATE -- the system used by Spirit of the Century and the upcoming Dresden Files RPG -- called the Fractal. They talk about this concept that treats elements larger and smaller than characters, like planets & possessions, the same way as characters are treated mechanically. Leonard also gives us a bit of an update on the Dresden Files RPG.

FATE & The Fractal:

FATE: Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment
Spirit of the Century
Dresden Files RPG
Fred's post on RPGnet & his blog entry on the Fractal.
FATE Yahoo Group, where you can get Rob's macro-level rules for FATE 2.0
Wikipedia entry on fractals
Jason Morningstar's Sight & Sound Game Design Challenge:

Main contest page
My entry, "Only the Guilty Run" (requires a Story Games login, which is totally free)
Jared Sorensen's entry, "1000 Words" (requires a Story Games login)
Other Games Mentioned:

Birthright, the classic AD&D setting
Burning Empires by Luke Crane
Dogs in the Vineyard by Lumpley Games
GURPS by Steve Jackson Games
Over the Edge by Atlas Games
PDQ by Atomic Sock Monkey Press
The Storytelling System by White Wolf
My blog entry where I ask for any questions about the card production for Know Thyself: http://macklinr.livejournal.com/561019.html

Running time: 27:48 / File size: 19.7 MB

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