Ryan talks with Jason Morningstar & Steve Segedy of Bully Pulpit Games, about The Shab-al-Hiri Roach and the design & production issues with making a role-playing game that involves a custom deck of cards. Ryan also talks about changes he's planning on making with the format of Master Plan, brings back his Design Watch segment for a brief moment and talks about how to find two things: him at GenCon and other podcasts on the Internet.

Bully Pulpit Games Interview

Bully Pulpit Games
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach
Grey Ranks
The Roach Returns
Mad Irishman Productions
All these games should be available at GenCon at The Forge Booth/Indie Press Revolution (booth #1739).

Design Watch

Daniel Solis' single-blog-post summary of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple
All of his blog posts tags as "Do"
Stargate SG-1 (Wikipedia)
Dogs in the Vineyard
Buddhism (Wikipedia)
Dear Abby (Wikipedia)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Wikipedia)
Other Mentions

RPGPodcasts.com -- A directory of audio and video shows about role-playing games and other games, all freely available on the Internet.
Forum post about finding me at GenCon, which includes some of the podcaster panels, the Ashcan Front, and the Gaming Podcasting Party on Saturday night.
Goblin: The Gaming Broadcast Network
Have Games, Will Travel
The Voice of the Revolution

Running time: 29:37 / File size: 20.3 MB

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