Episode #45 - Occam's Razor

The Simplest Explanation


Occam's razor states the simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex. Learning to stop giving away our energy is the simple solution that turns money into career, personal and corporate success.

In this feature length episode Arthur Geringas and Phil Johnson apply the philosophy of Occam's razor to the MBL program highlighting how lowering our walls and being unattached to outcome helps us shave away complexity and lead's to the simplest solutions.


You are invited to have a virtual coffee with Phil Johnson..

Let’s Chat https://calendly.com/mblcoach/chat-with-phil


LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipjpjohnson/


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Phil Johnson on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipjpjohnson


Music http://www.bensound.com


Audio Recorded at  http://www.theorangelounge.com/