Episode #35: The Magic Of Star Wars And Emotional Intelligence


Why is our emotional type of intelligence the motivator for better results?  The answer is that it is our emotions, not our intellectual intelligence that motivates us to take action.  Emotions are what turn our thoughts into the actions that create our results.  They drive the experiential process that creates new habits, behaviors and beliefs.  It is for this reason the primary focus of our education and training needs to concentrate on the development of emotional intelligence.


The lack of emotional intelligence is the root cause of the drama, chaos and conflict we experience.  The emotional labor that leads to the development of emotional intelligence needs to become part of the essential skills education and training schools and companies offer their students and employees.  It is the crucial education needed to embrace the unimaginable opportunities and challenges that lies before us.   With the accelerating rate of global change the growing demand for emotional intelligence is becoming apparent.


We need to train and educate our emotions.  This new type of intelligence education reflects the future direction of organizational and cultural development.  Virtually all of the top business schools profess to teach leadership, yet their efforts are widely viewed as falling short.   Business as usual will not produce the emotional self-aware needed to tackle global challenges and opportunities before us.  The emotional labor that leads to emotional intelligence has become part of the essential skills education and training companies need to make available to their employees.


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Information about all things Star Wars can be found at:


Characters and story arcs are referenced for comparison and educational purposes only.