Mark Gober has been quoted for his opinions on business and technology matters in Bloomberg, Businessweek and elsewhere. He has participated in several Summit Series events and has attended the annual TED Conference for the past 8 years. He graduated with distinction from Princeton University, where he was captain of the tennis team. Engineering anomalies lab at Princeton Mark’s Journey into the paranormal and researching consciousness The # 2 Question of all of science - The hard problem of consciousness The assumption leads to fear of death and separation and exists beyond space and time The materialist worldview of reality The two biggest anomalies in physics Remote Viewing Telepathy Pre-Cognition Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Psycho-Kinesis – Random Number Generator Global Consciousness Project The Ganzfeld procedure Why people are unwilling to look at evidence Consciousness survived beyond death Near Death Experiences Children who have memories of a previous life Veritical Near Death Experiences People report a life review The shared death experience Psychedelic Experiences Reincarnation Elon Musk’s Neurolink Startup The brain as an antennae of consciousness xenoglossy Tribal community meaning of life? Brain as a limiter – What level of consciousness operating from? My Aunt recently died Time – Implications Rupurt Spira Website: (sign up for the email list) and most importantly do 1 act of kindness today! :) Mark's website: Support the show for as little as $1 Here: Donate: Support by Doing an Act of Kindness for Someone Today! Subscribe: Podcast: YouTube: FREE STUFF: Guide to Lucid Dreaming E-Book and Guided Hypnotic Experience: 3 State of the Art, Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D Sound Experiences! Free $50 Gift Card for any Purium Health Product: Including Cleanses, supplements, Weight Loss, CBD and more!
