Today, Marypat Hector reports on SAVING THE LIVES OF OUR YOUTH BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Also, Marypat and Youth Move will do their positive music review! Reviewing hot tracks from Intelligenz Musiq.  CHIME IN - CALL IN (646) 716-7994  VILLAGE, we are in a state of urgency. It is imperative we take action and make changes within ourselves, our families, and our communities. Join the National Action Network YOUTH MOVE as they engage you in helping create and perpetuate solutions to real issues impacting our youth and communities. From their house to the White House, your hosts, Marypat Hector and Youth Move members are on the forefront of youth empowered civic action.  Marypat is the National President of the National Action Network Youth Move, a featured GlobalGrind columnist, and a youth and community activist. YOUTH MOVE is the youth division of the National Action Network. Please, connect with Youth Move