Today, we welcome our new co-host SUITE FRANCHON, host of hit live show PEACE, LOVE, and POETRY and Special guest Grammy Considered songwriter, author, playwright, and poet CHARRON MONAYE! CALL IN (646) 716-7994.  OPEN MIC CYPHER: sign up 10 min b4 show in chat room.  Charron's poetry has evolved into two books, "My Side of the Story" and "Living, Laughing, and Loving My Way Through" as well as soulful lyrics including ML the Truth's "I Apologize" and "Commitment." Her song "Commitment" which is on the album entitled “The Truth,” by ML The Truth was considered for the 54th Annual Grammy Awards, under Category 19 "Best R & B Song."  Spoken word is hot and beginning to grab a spotlight in the entertainment industry. From performance, events, publishing, recording, TV, to licensing, SPOKEN WORD POETRY: The Art The Industry The Viability formerly INDUSTRY MONDAYS: The Business of Spoken Word, challenges our audience to join the process: explore, create, and collaborate how to monetize spoken word, create residual income and opportunities while still keeping the integrity of the art form.  PLZ, FOLLOW US on Google+