TOPIC/GUESTS: Michael Rothenberg, Co-Founder of 100 Thousand Poets for Change! Sept 29, 2012, nearly 700 concerts, readings, workshops, and demonstrations will take place in more than 115 countries around the world. TONIGHT participating poets and organizers from across the globe speak about their upcoming events. CALL IN (646) 716-7994.Peace and sustainability are the guiding principles. GOAL: To seize and redirect the political and social dialogue of the day and turn the narrative of civilization towards peace and sustainability.Jacqueline Taylor-Adams and NASSUNI (Not Your Ordinary Poet) are your hosts.Spoken word is hot and beginning to grab a spotlight in the entertainment industry. From performance, events, publishing, recording, TV, to licensing, INDUSTRY MONDAYS: The Business of Spoken Word says Let's explore, create, and collaborate how to monetize spoken word, create residual income and opportunities while still keeping the integrity of the art form.   connect & share: Google+ | Facebook | Blog