Episode 11, From her debut release, Schmingling: The Art of Being Well Connected, Faith Moore--McKinney shares tips on strategic networking today on BeyondTalk with Faith Moore-McKinney!!! So much great info, episode 12 will be part 2.

BEYONDTALK goes beyond talk to compel you to strategically do. Hosted by the dynamic Personal & Media Brand Strategist, Faith Moore-McKinney, BEYOND TALK with Faith Moore-McKinney is the official radio broadcast of the Black Economic and Entrepreneurship Development Conference & Expo (BEEDC). Please, tune in for this week's 96HOUR #Call2Do.

Our guests are doers and present real solutions and opportunities for growth as entrepreneurs and community stakeholders. BeyondTalk features three spotlight segments to inspire and move you to do: Entrepreneur - The Digital Drummer Spotlight in honor of Jim Neusom and Presenter.

View: The Art of Schminglinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n682YrHYtgA

Please, Click links. Show archives BeyondTalk.beedconference.org