This edition is all about the DO. It's a special Buy The Block Edition of BEYOND TALK with Faith Moore-McKinney. Faith engages Lynn Da of Buy Black Economics (aka BBNomics) to discover how we may benefit from and support her hot new initiative, Buy The Block. Faith unearths the why, the how, the platform, and strategy for us as a community to counteract the impact of genetrification while amassing wealth. We want to #BuyTheBlock, too!!!

This week's #Call2DO - "100 people invest $60 in campaign and compel our personal networks to do the same!"

Lynn Da - -
The best of Beyond Talk with Faith Moore-McKinney BEYOND TALK with Faith Moore-McKinney is the Official Radio Broadcast of the Black Economic & Entrepreneurship Development Conference & Expo (The BEEDC) founded by Jason Moore, Jacqueline Taylor-Adams, Co-Producer.