There was not one, but two big gaming conventions this past
weekend, and Massively OP reporters were on the ground at both
PAX East and
! Join us for a lively and informative hour of con
reports from Eliot and Brendan. What can they glean about the
future of MMOs from these shows? Find out!

It’s the Massively OP
, an action-packed hour of news, tales, opinions, and
gamer emails! And remember, if you’d like to send in your own
letter to the show, use the “Tips” button in the
top-right corner of the site to do so.

Show notes:

Fanfest report with Brendan
The Fanfest experience and atmosphere
New projects in testing

Project Nova

Official EVE mobile app

Industrial citadels
EVE Online's direction
Coming interviews
A big secret
PAX East report with Eliot
The PAX East experience
Eliot's impressed by [EMBARGO]
Final Fantasy XIV
Shroud of the Avatar
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Other Square-Enix announcements

Other info:

Podcast theme: "Seven Clans" from
EVE Online
Your show hosts: Bree, Justin, Eliot, and Brendan
Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneIn, and Pocket Casts
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