This week the news has been dominated by the last great convention of the summer, PAX Prime, and the podcast team has their hands full with the flood of new information. What are the biggest takeaways from this year's show? Find out in this episode!

It’s the Massively OP Podcast, an action-packed hour of news, tales, opinions, and gamer emails! And remember, if you’d like to send in your own letter to the show, use the "Tips" button in the top-right corner of the site to do so.

Show notes:

Adventures in MMOs: WildStar, Guild Wars 2
News: Guild Wars 2 anniversaryexpansion launch datefree-to-play core game
News: Trion announces Atlas Reactor
News: The Secret World gets single-player spin-off game
News: SWTOR talks expansion companions
News: Marvel Heroes brings out War Machine and Carnage
Mailbag: Why don't we talk about ESO?
Mailbag: Theme music and recording dates
Mailbag: Guild Wars 2 expansion

Other info:


Podcast theme: "The Vigil Goes to War" from Guild Wars 2

Your show hosts: Bree and Justin
Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunesStitcherPlayer FMTuneIn, and Pocket Casts
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