David Seide serves as Senior Counsel at Government Accountability Project (GAP), a non-profit supporting government whistleblowers, where he specializes in immigration issues. David began his career in 1983 after earning a JD from NYU Law in the federal court system as a clerk to Hon. Morris E. Lasker. David soon rose to the position of Assistant US Attorney, serving as a White Collar and Securities Fraud Prosecutor. Before joining GAP, David worked as Special Counsel to U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and served as Partner at multiple private practices through the years. David also holds experience as Lead of High-Profile Internal Investigations for the U.S. Department of State. David has authored multiple books on internal and governmental investigations, including Warning the Witness: A Guide to Internal Investigations and the Attorney-Client Privilege and Navigating Multiple Government Investigations: Critical Issues and Guiding Principles.


Warning the Witness: A Guide to Internal Investigations and the Attorney-Client Privilege - https://www.amazon.com/Warning-Witness-Investigations-Attorney-Client-Privelege/dp/160442916X 


Navigating Multiple Government Investigations: Critical Issues and Guiding Principles - https://www.americanbar.org/products/ecd/ebk/217821/ 


David Seide Social Media

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-z-seide-a648965/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/davidseide 


Government Accountability Project Social Media

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/government-accountability-project/ 

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GovernmentAccountabilityProject 

Twitter - https://twitter.com/GovAcctProj 

Homepage - https://whistleblower.org/


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