THIS WEEK, we’re doing things a little differently.
Unfortunately, this week’s episode is NOT the kind that you can listen to in the car on the way to work.

For some end-of-2014 fun, we’re going to watch (not discuss, WATCH) one of our favorite movies.  Get your iPod, laptop, dvd, netflix, whatever, and bring up TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY.  It’s movie commentary time.  A full explanation of how/why we came to this decision for this week's episode can be found at the end of this week's PREGAME.
Ready to play?What you’ll want to do is sync up our episode with your movie.  To do this: Start your copy of TERMINATOR 2 (as of this release, it is available on Netflix).  You’ll see the TriStar logo, and then the Carolco logo.   After the Carolco logo, you will see a black screen. As soon as the name MARIO KASSAR appears, PAUSE your movie.  Start MASS MOVIECIDE #202 (if you’re ready for the movie, skip to about the 4min30second mark)When Brendan does the countdown and says “Play”, un-pause your movie, and enjoy listening to three knuckleheads talk throughout the entire film.  It’s the modern movie-theater experience right in the comfort of your own home.TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY is directed by James Cameron and stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Eddie Furlong, and Robert Patrick.  Oh, and it ROCKS.