RWBY: Arrowfell, the latest game from WayForward games, features characters from the popular American anime RWBY. In this game, players can expect to see their favorite RWBY characters Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang in a new adventure. I caught up with WayForward Game Director James Montagna to learn more about this latest release and what fans of the series can expect.

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RWYB ArrowFell Transcription

Mason Paine: Ruby Arrow Fell is a brand new game from way forward games that features Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang, the popular characters from the series. Ruby. Joining me to speak about this latest release and what fans of the series can expect from this game is way forward. Game Director James Montagna. Thanks for joining me James.

James Montagna: Oh, it's my pleasure.

Mason Paine: So how long have you been in the video game industry?

James Montagna: I started at way for maybe about like 15 or 16 years ago and I was just out of college actually way forward. Brought me on as an intern and I was working here just helping out wherever I could. I still remember my first day, I showed up and I was just helping . Build furniture . I was helping, put together chairs and desks, for people. I even put together my own chair and desks that I was working on as an intern. And that was, that was my start and they had me helping out on some games on, even on day one, besides that. But yeah, that's how I got started. I was going to college and I was self taught, teaching myself game design, taking some courses on game design. Eventually the school hooked me up with that internship and then they decided to hire me and I've been at wayforward ever since.

Mason Paine: Wow. That's amazing that you went from intern to game director. Did that surprise you at all? Do you ever look back and say, whoa, this is my life?

James Montagna: It's a little bit surreal when I think back sometimes, but I was so driven to make games one way or the other that. It's not too surprising. I always knew that one way or the other, I would, wanna be making games. So here I am. Today we're releasing games and I've been able to help direct, so many titles and it's been great and it's, been a long road and, gradually worked my way through it. You know, I actually. Started out as an animator because when I was in college, I was going to school for animation. And so, when Way Forward first brought me on board formally from being an intern. That was my title for a while. And so I was doing animations for various different games and at one point I expressed the desire to get into more of a design role, and that's when I started doing level design, which eventually led to me becoming a director.

Mason Paine: Now as a gaming director, what exactly do you do? Because when you hear director, you think of movies. So I, but I imagine you can't tell people in the middle of, you know, coding cut. That's not it.

James Montagna: Right? You, interrupt them. They'd be very, upset with you if you did that to a programmer. They really need their focus. So basically what my job is, and it's a split title, I'm designer slash director. I could tell you a little bit about each of these two distinct roles, that I've taken on here. It starts out where, as a designer, what I'm doing is I'm creating what we refer to as the G D D or game design document . And we do this for every title. It's basically a blueprint of the game we want to make. It will have all the details of the game. How many players, what kinds of, game mechanics, what kinds of levels, what sort of enemies, who do you play as?

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