This week, we read and discuss Paula Hawkins' new mystery novel Into The Water. The novel follows a small town, Beckford that is reeling after a community member, Nel Abbott, falls from a cliff and drowns in the local river. There are multiple theories about the cause of death — some say she slipped of the cliff, others say she jump, while others say she was pushed. But as the town, and newcomer detective investigates Nel's death, they learn the river holds more secrets than anyone suspected. Then, inspired by Into The Water, we chat about our favorite mysteries and thrillers, including Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Name of The Rose by Umberto Eco, The Secret History by Donna Tartt, and more. And, as always, we close the show with recommendations:
Inspired by our conversation about mysteries, Aliza recommends watching the movie Clue. "It is one of the funniest movies of all time. The cast is every amazing comedian who has ever lived." She also recommends the TV show Broadchurch.
Peter recommends checking out this week's New York Times Magazine, which was an all comics issue. It was all stories from the City desk at the New York Times and it's just beautiful." He also recommends HBO's TV show The Leftovers. "I had to make room in my top 5 list for the best shows of all time, because [The Leftovers] is on there. It is so human, and rich, and so sad, and so weirdly hopeful, but also so crazily funny ... it's just a marvelous work of storytelling."
MJ recommends the new Wonder Woman movie. "I would like to add my voice to the chorus of voices raving about Wonder Woman ... that move is so. damn. good."

This week, we read and discuss Paula Hawkins' new mystery novel Into The Water.
The novel follows a small town, Beckford that is reeling after a community member, Nel Abbott, falls from a cliff and drowns in the local river. There are multiple theories about the cause of death — some say she slipped of the cliff, others say she jump, while others say she was pushed. But as the town, and newcomer detective investigates Nel's death, they learn the river holds more secrets than anyone suspected.
Then, inspired by Into The Water, we chat about our favorite mysteries and thrillers, including Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Name of The Rose by Umberto Eco, The Secret History by Donna Tartt, and more.

And, as always, we close the show with recommendations:

Inspired by our conversation about mysteries, Aliza recommends watching the movie Clue. "It is one of the funniest movies of all time. The cast is every amazing comedian who has ever lived." She also recommends the TV show Broadchurch.

Peter recommends checking out this week's New York Times Magazine, which was an all comics issue. It was all stories from the City desk at the New York Times and it's just beautiful." He also recommends HBO's TV show The Leftovers. "I had to make room in my top 5 list for the best shows of all time, because [The Leftovers] is on there. It is so human, and rich, and so sad, and so weirdly hopeful, but also so crazily funny ... it's just a marvelous work of storytelling."

MJ recommends the new Wonder Woman movie. "I would like to add my voice to the chorus of voices raving about Wonder Woman ... that move is so. damn. good."