Michael Foster is a Pastor currently residing in South Carolina. He has a penchant for delivering blunt truth tempered with an underlying compassion for his fellow man.

He has taken this compassion for reaching others with truth and has recently started his own online ministry for men.This ministry that's run by Michael and his partner, Bnonn Tennant, is called It's Good to Be a Man.

Their website has quickly become one of my favorite sources for masculine biblical insight - and it's one that I share often with Christian men that reach out to me for recommendations of resources other than my own that I feel they would benefit from.

After listening to our conversation on today's podcast, I trust that you'll understand why I have such great respect for Michael and the work he's doing to minister to men today.

Show Highlights

-Why men are entering marriage with a backward (and dangerous) strategy today
-How pickup artists are leveraging God's design for men and women to achieve the outcomes they desire
-How feminized secular teachings have infiltrated the church today and why it's driving men away
-The problem of men being shamed for being masculine within the church
-What we can learn from the historical masculine revivals that have taken place within the church (and outside of it)
-How the book of Genesis provides the blueprint for manhood and the purpose for which God created it
-The distinct and complementary roles that are implicit in the biologies of men and women
-Why it's imperative for men to lead in the home and the church (according to the Bible)

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Get Craig's Book, Destroy Your Dad Bod: https://deathblowtothedadbod.com

Connect With Michael Foster:
Michael's Website: https://ItsGoodToBeAMan.com
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/thisisfoster

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