If we're going to seek out the advice of another, we need to make sure they're a person who can be trusted. This is especially true when trusting them with something as valuable to us as our health and fitness.

Today's guest on the podcast is a man that fits this description. His name is Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes. Alexander is an experienced personal trainer and online fitness coach. He writes (and speaks) with honesty, conviction and authority. After interacting with him on Twitter for several months - and reading his email newsletters - I knew he was someone I wanted to bring on the podcast to provide today's men with the direction and motivation needed to align their health and fitness with their innate masculinity.

Today's podcast is full of actionable content that will be useful for men no matter where they're at along the spectrum of health and fitness.

Show Highlights:
- The most prevalent myths related to training and nutrition being perpetuated today
- Why there's no such thing as eating too much protein
- How many grams of protein guys need to maximize growth and recovery
- What benefits you can expect from intermittent fasting
- Why most men should avoid an "If It Fits Your Macros" approach to nutrition
- How to time your carbohydrate intake throughout the day to promote more efficient fat loss
- How to determine your individual capacity for muscle growth
- The simple calculation for finding your daily maintenance calories
- How to deal with fat loss plateaus
- Why most marathon runners have skinny-fat bodies
- The right way to think about supplements
- The one thing that keeps most guys from building a fit, healthy, masculine body

The posting for this podcast can be viewed at: http://www.MasculineByDesign.com/masculine-fitness-for-men-with-alexander-juan-antonio-cortes/
Visit Alexander's Blog: AlexanderJuanAntonioCortes.com
Follow Alexander On Twitter: @AJA_Cortes

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