Cam Adair is a former video game addict who has made it a life mission of his to provide education and resources to help those struggling with gaming addictions.

One of the ways he does this is by teaching video game addicts - who are predominantly male - to take the passion and purpose they have for gaming and translate it into real world purpose and conquest.

Cam has been featured on multiple TEDx Talks. He is the Founder of Game Quitters, the world's largest support community for gaming addicts. His work has been published in a number of well known publications, and he also travels the world speaking on the problems of gaming addictions and how to overcome them.

This is an issue that affects us as individual men and as fathers of children relying on us to guide and protect them. Video game addiction isn't just a danger for us. It's a danger to our children that we need to be intentional about proactively strategizing to prevent within our homes.

In today's discussion, Cam paints the problem of video game addiction in vivid detail, while also providing practical ways we can work to ensure it doesn't gain a foothold in our lives (or in the lives of our children).

Show Highlights

- Cam’s story of overcoming gaming addiction and his decision to help others struggling with video game addictions
- Why gaming has such a strong appeal for men
- How video game addictions are destroying today’s men
- How to tell if gaming is an addiction and not just a hobby
- The personal and societal consequences of widespread gaming addictions
- How to start the process of defeating an addiction to gaming
- How video games are shaping the lives of children and teenagers
- The benefits that gaming can provide for children
- How today’s games are being specifically designed to make gaming addicts out of teenagers
- How to approach video games as a parent working to raise exemplary children

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