Do masks really work to prevent the spread of viruses? Merely asking this question in today's hypersensitive milieu is enough to get you accused of being anti-science. We're told to place our critical thinking on hold, keep our opinions to ourselves, and listen to the experts.

Not me. Not now. Not ever. Nevertheless, what many fail to realize is that there's no shortage of experts who haven't bought the mainstream narratives surrounding the use of masks to prevent the spread of viruses. Unfortunately, they're being drowned out through censorship, suppression and the threat of being excommunicated from the medical profession.

In today's podcast, Dr. Philip Ovadia joins me to share what the latest science really says about whether or not masks are truly an effective means of keeping Covid (or any other virus) at bay.

Here Are the Show Highlights

- Why masks have suddenly become a widespread recommendation to prevent viruses

- Why mask mandates are incredibly unlikely to meaningfully contribute to eliminating the spread of viruses

- What the latest scientific studies really say about the effectiveness of masks toward preventing viral transmission

- How deadly is Covid-19 for the average person, really?

- Why children are mostly unaffected from Coronavirus exposure

- The over-hyped fears surrounding Coronavirus deaths and hospitals being overrun with patients

- The truth about the risk of viruses being spread by asymptomatic carriers

- The best thing you can do to keep yourself and your family safe from Covid (or any other virus)

Episode References:

Cochrane Review Showing That Masks Are Unlikely to Prevent Spread of Respirator Viruses:

Danish Study on Effectiveness of Masks at Preventing the Spread of Viruses:

Another Cochrane Study Showing Surgeons Wearing Masks During Surgeries Does Not Reduce Surgical Wound Infection Rates:

Study Showing That Being Metabolically Healthy Protects Against COVID-19 Impacts:

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