This week we are working with the MC : the career part of the chart

Not something that I talk about a lot 

This is Jackie Slevin's Book Finding Success in the Horoscope

(Amazon affliate link)

The Principle Planet is the one forming a Sextile, Trine, Square or Opposition Aspects to the MC in an EXACT degree (or as near as exact)


This is what's happening in my chart at the moment:

My MC is Taurus 15 degrees, My Sun is 15 degrees Pisces, so they form a sextile exact degree

Transiting Uranus/Jupiter conjunction is on my MC and transiting Saturn is exactly conjunct my Sun also forming a sextile to the natal MC and the transiting Jupiter/Uranus transit!!!

Pisces Person

MC Cancer, Sun Pisces in 6th house = worked with 'sick' people

Trainee Astrologer

MC Taurus, Venus in Aqua in 6th house

My Dad Noel

MC Libra, Sun Sagi in first