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This week I am covering the Astro chart of 'Mystifier' Uri Geller

Here's the link to the video of the experiments

Become a 'citizen' of Lamb Island


Thinkific Learn Astrology with Mary special offer


Uri Geller

Bowl chart

Scorpio Asc, Sun Sagittarius in 2nd, Moon Scorpio  conjunct Jupiter in 1st

Chart ruler: Pluto...natally in Leo retro in 10th

Date of Stanford Experiment

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Pluto retro/Saturn retro in 10th

Transiting Moon in Scorpio (his Moon sign)

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mercury in Sag

Uri Gets Married

Transiting Venus in 7th house of marriage

Trans Moon/Pluto/Mars in Saggi on his Sun in 2nd house

Announces citizenship of Lamb Island

Trans Sun on natal Pluto/Saturn in 10th

Trans Moon in Sag (on his natal Sun)

Trans Uranus/Mars opposition natal Moon/Jupiter/Venus