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This week I am investigating early and late degrees of the Sun

The chart examples are all Sun Leo

Early Degrees

Isabel Luberza Oppenheimer

Libra Asc, ruler Venus in Leo in 11th

Sun Leo 0* 1min 27 sec in the 10th = career

Moon 0*  29min 29sec Scorpio in first = self

Isabel's death by (accidental) shooting

Trans Pluto conjunct natal Mars in 12th

Trans Saturn 0 degrees conjunct natal Neptune 0 degrees in Cancer

Trans Mars opposition natal Moon

Trans Uranus conjunct (but out of sign) natal Moon


Markus Jehle



Virgo Asc = ruler Mercury in Leo in 12th 

Sun Leo 0* 54 mins, 25 sec in 11th house

Moon Scorpio in 2nd conjunct Neptune



Late Degrees

Benoir Violier

Asc 29* Aqua = ruler Uranus in Libra in 8th

Sun Leo 29*, 1min 21 sec in 7th

Moon Virgo in 7th 

Death via Suicide

Trans Mars in Scorpio square natal Mars retro in 12th in Aquarius

Trans Jupiter retro conjunct natal Moon in Virgo

Trans Saturn conjunct natal M/C


Roland Orzabal

Gemini Asc = ruler Mercury in Virgo in 3rd house

Sun 29* 34 mins 34 secs in 3rd house

Moon Capricorn in 8th house