Previous Episode: Episode 168
Next Episode: Episode 170

This week I am discussing the Astrology of the virus and making the point that THE most important thing at the moment is to see in your OWN chart where these 3 outer planets are transiting.

Light a candle here

The Director-General of the World Health Organization since 2017.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

See Saw/Locomotive Chart  (no birth time Whole Sign System)

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn AND Chiron in Pisces

Opposition Mars, Pluto/Uranus conjunction in Virgo

Neptune in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus

UK chart transits


USA chart transits

My previous Newsletter covering the Outer Planets


This is the statement/speech Tedros gave which we should listen to:


Info on the Black Death

Uranus just entered Taurus on date the Black Death reached the UK


the link above has the actual ephemeris.