What's the story with this show? Why is it so good? And why does it have to end next week? We're not ready to say goodbye... especially after the big reveal at the end of Ronin. Plus, this episode is going to do for box mac and cheese what The Avengers did for shawarma.

We have limited news this week, at least partially because we are diligently avoiding spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home and trying not to cover too many of the news breaks coming out of that junket out of respect for you guys. We will be doing an episode of Watch Men about this movie that will hit next week, and it will be spoilers out the web-shooters, so make sure you're signed up at the $5 or above levels at www.patreon.com/cinemasangha to get that episode!

See you here again next week for the finale of Hawkeye, and then it's going to be quiet on the MCU TV front for a minute. But don't fret - we will be back in January with Peacemaker. Yes, we're hopping universes! Deal with it!