On this week’s episode of The Marvelverse Podcast Nicki, Steve, and James are off planet on vacation so Woo called his friend Steven Brogan of “The Steady Stream” podcast to talk about the third International and North American trailers for the 16th Marvel Studios film: Spider-Man: Homecoming. We also talk about the latest news in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well as news outside the MCU as well. Also, a couple geek tangets as well.

This episode of The Marvelverse Podcast is dedicated to the memory of Woo's friend: Lance Amann who was involved in a motorcycle accident last week, please donate whatever one can to his family: www.gofundme.com/lanceamann Lance, I love you, brother. I will miss you.

TV Shows Films Reviewed on This Week's Marvelverse Podcast:

Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailers & News