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Episode Fourteen — Part V (Chapters one and two):Spider and Seedy finally come to the Kunfu-riffic conclusion to
their kidnapping caper, learning all about Japanese sword-making,
physics and why acrylic ski masks suck. In chapter two, the gang
finally puts their plan into action, and they capture the King of the
Gag, learning that he has some seriously lizardfish proclivities. And
that two women kissing is not as hot as it first sounds.

An excerpt from the kidnapping, as Shute arrives at Helena’s apartment:

"The idea was that Max and I were going to get into
Helena’s closet and wait for their signal. They hoped to get Shute to
agree to being tied up, as part of their little three-some. If that
went off without a hitch, then it should make things considerably

We all had another drink together, to kill the last twenty minutes
before Shute was due to arrive. No doubt he would be fashionably late.
By one pm, we were all keyed up. I don’t mind telling you there was an
awkward psycho-sexual energy in the room, not at all dampened by
another round of scotch. Honza Chodets was tasting better and better.

I was so wound up, I almost dropped my scotch, when at five-to-one,
there was a knock at the door. Helena grabbed our drinks, poured them
into the sink, and shooed us into her bedroom, where Max and I got into
the walk-in closet. Ariadne waited in the bedroom, looking at me
through the slats in Helena’s closet doors.

Helena let Shute in and his eyebrows actually arched when he saw
what she was wearing. “Where’s Thipirous?” he asked. “I hope she’s not
dressed as provocatively as you Borovich, or my heart might not be able
to take it.”"