Previous Episode: 111: Fantastic Four (2005)
Next Episode: 113: Season 1 Wrap Up

In the final episode of Season 1, Dana and Lysa get our lycra on to talk Charles Xavier's and Erik Lehnsherr's unending love story. And also some other stuff.
Content warnings for: anti-semitism, WWII and the holocaust, racism, homophobia, police brutality, the Lavender Scare
Forgive me for not remembering names off the top of my head but (here is a document of ways you can help the Black, Latinx and migrant Trans community). Donate if you can, turn up to protests if you're able to, volunteer with local organisations (especially political organisations), follow Trans women and men on your social media accounts, keep up to date with what's happening and spread the word on your socials.

In the final episode of Season 1, Dana and Lysa get our lycra on to talk Charles Xavier's and Erik Lehnsherr's unending love story. And also some other stuff.

Content warnings for: anti-semitism, WWII and the holocaust, racism, homophobia, police brutality, the Lavender Scare

Forgive me for not remembering names off the top of my head but here is a document of ways you can help the Black, Latinx and migrant Trans community. Donate if you can, turn up to protests if you're able to, volunteer with local organisations (especially political organisations), follow Trans women and men on your social media accounts, keep up to date with what's happening and spread the word on your socials.