0:20 Steven 84

With the news that HBO Max will have a Green Lantern series, do you think it’s possible for Disney + to pull off either Nova or Silver Surfer as a series?

2:01 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and everyone! Sean, I enjoyed the Daily Bugle for 15th November where you talked about the 5 new Marvel movies across 2022 and 2023. Off the back of your conversation about how Marvel Studios may announce  these movies, it  got me thinking about the ways they may do it. Do you think it’s possible that, rather than a SDCC Hall H event, we could have a live streaming event on Disney+ in which Kevin Feige makes the announcements?  Granted, there may be logistics over the time of day that happens to factor in global time zones etc, but is this option something that you could see happening, or would like to see as a platform to use for any announcements?  Thanks as always!

16:01 Woo S Kim

Do you think Alan Horn promoted Feige now because this is the best time to do so, with Disney+ launching, with Hulu slowing being made a Disney only property, would there have been a better time to do this than now?

21:06 Alex Klein

Just reading Pughs interview and she is one of many actors who say something to the effect of “that wasn’t what I expected” when it comes to working with Marvel. Is that lip service from all these actors or do you think they are judging Marvel and then join and realize it’s not just another big budget explosion movie.

27:17 Zack Kuhn

Do you think after Hellstrom has come and gone that the MCU will have any live action TV-MA shows on the HULU platform?   Still connected to the MCU proper like the Disney + series but a bit more for adults.  Similar to Daredevil or the Punisher on Netflix.

32:30 Michael Weaselboy

Do you think we will ever see Carol permanently settle on Earth?

33:44 Linc

Do you think we'll start to see D+ double as a trailer resource for future, forthcoming films and TV series?

40:20 Brian Fletcher

Now that we have an idea of some of the scenarios for What If?, with Peggy becoming Captain Carter, T'Challa becoming Star Lord, and Bucky taking on Zombie Cap, what are some other What If? scenarios you'd like to see Marvel Studios tackle?

45:38 Robert Reineke

I think we can all agree that Disney+ is going to do very well among the 30 million plus households that have kids, but I have to ask if their quest for 60 million subscribers might affect the MCU in regards to reaching households without kids.

I think we've all kind of dismissed the idea that you'll have to watch the Disney+ shows to fully get the MCU moving forward, but I'm starting to rethink that based on how kids oriented most of the content is on Disney+. I think part of the sell is that The Mandalorian and the MCU shows have to be considered essential and not slideshows or lesser than the theatrical releases. Which somewhat demands some status quo upheaval. What do you think is the balance? And how do you keep households without kids in between shows? Is Star Wars and a few MCU shows enough content?

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