0:20 Linc

It's 2019 for us, but it's 2024 now in the MCU. Do you think the MCU will slow time in the next 5 years (or more) of films and TV to get caught up to align present-day MCU with present-day in the real world, or are they now permanently going to remain out of sync?

13:27 Linc

Another thought on Deadpool R vs PG-13... Couldn't they just have two tandem releases? Or stagger the R release, just like Spider-Man's recut, so that they get the mass PG-13 grosses, but then have a Fox Studios-titlecard on the R release a few weeks or a month later? But keep it explicitly clear which version is being screened. Obviously, being made that way from the outset averts the issues Once Upon a Deadpool had, while taking its intent of being the wider audience version of Deadpool but marketing it differently, instead of being a wholly different film.

20:43 Steven 84

Do you think getting 4 movies in a given year will depend on when Marvel is working with Sony to produce a Spider-Man film? For instance, maybe it doesn’t happen again in 2022, but then we could see Marvel reserve February 2023, May 2023, and November 2023, leaving the door open for Sony to put another Spider-Man in July 2023. Stemming from this question, could Deadpool be added as a fourth film since there is a chance it’s released under the Fox banner to avoid promoting the movie to kids?

25:27 Steven 84

Do you think that Disney + is actually hoping to have two Marvel series in the Spring and two Marvel series in the Fall? We already have two set for Spring 2021, and with things seemingly moving behind the scenes with Ms. Marvel, could Ms. Marvel join Hawkeye for Fall 2021?

32:25 Michael Weaselboy 

Do you think we could see Nick Offerman in the MCU one day??

33:03 Tom DeMichele

Where has Old Man Steve gone after passing the shield to Sam? Do you think he jumped back to the branch timeline he created, or is he in MCU Prime in-hiding?

36:07 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! Hope all is well! I've been in full Star Wars mode lately so haven't been thinking much about the MCU, but I do finally have a question. X-Men was not a very popular title until the Chris Claremont Giant-Size relaunch in the 70s featuring new characters like Storm and Wolverine, but do you think Marvel Studios could or would pull off an X-Men film featuring just the original lineup of Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel, and Jean Grey/Marvel Girl?

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