0:20 Rober Reineke

With all the news about Disney+ and the MCU shows there, is there a potential downside to locking everything behind the paywall of streaming services? Is there still any value to having a tv series out there, free to everyone, on network tv? There's certainly a lot of conversation going on about Crisis on Infinite Earths on the CW, so is there a vacuum out there created by the rush to streaming?

8:45 Kerry Vanderberg 

Can you explain who is on the Marvel Studios Parliament? To my ears, that's a new term  you've been using lately. How is this different from the Creative Committee before the "split" between Feige and Perlmutter? Have people like Nate Moore and Trinh Tran been at Marvel Studios the whole time since IRON MAN, or did they come on board more recently, and how did they rise up in the ranks so quickly? Also, whatever happened to Jeremy Latcham? Your expertise on Marvel Studios' leadership structure would be greatly appreciated here. Thanks!

25:05 Kerry Vanderberg

Whenever the next Avengers team up happens, do you think there will be any indicators that various members of the Avengers have been in regular communication together (i.e. T'Challa staying in contact with Dr. Strange, Falcon, or Rhodey), or do you think it will be some kind of inciting incident that will bring them back together, but it will basically be the first time they've interacted with each other since Tony's death?

26:46 Linc

Now that Taika and Thor are so closely tied, is there another character, whether announced or just on the bench, who you think Kenneth Branagh would be suited to directing? Given Rothman's love for Shakespeare, I can't help but to think that something spidery might be relevant?

28:51 Linc

The rebooted Excalibur comics in Dawn of X goes into Arthurian mythology. Can we expect to see the MCU tell a mediaeval story, whether magical or grounded, in the next few phases?

29:47 Anthony Lawrey

I know you said there wasn’t anything you’d change with Endgame, do you still feel the same after seeing the newly deleted scenes on Disney+?

31:00 Mookie Johnson

Could you see Disney+ doing series for the adventures of "The Secret Avengers" between Civil war and Infinity war and/or Cap's Mission to return the Infinity Stones. 

There are obviously alot of hurdles here including Chris Evans' willingness to reclaim the role. I sure would love to see it though.

37:02 Mookie Johnson

I love the touch to make "A long long time" the song that Peggy and Steve dance to as Endgame ends. It fits the scene so perfectly and is yet one more great call back to MCU past.

My question in hindsight is why was this the right song for Fury to be listening to as Cap entered his apartment in Winter Soldier?

39:33 Zack Kuhn

What are the odds that the entirety of WandaVision takes place when Wanda is destroying the mind stone? Her and Vision live out an entire life as she’s trying to save him/keep the stone from Thanos. Kinda brings a new meaning to her line in Endgame “you took everything from me”. Not totally sure how this would connect to Multiverse of Madness or why it would include the side characters that we’ve seen already, but it’s gonna be a gloriously weird show!

46:49 Matt Gilbert 

Why aren't Deadpool or the X-men movies on Disney+?

51:59 Michael Weaselboy

Do you think if Agents of Shield ran for an eighth season, would Feige integrate it into the MCU proper??? And have the characters show up in movies??

53:43 Zack Kuhn

Even with the added movie dates, it seems every date has an occupant with none of them being anything related to my favorite marvel group,  the X-men.  Do you think 2024 is the earliest we can expect an X-men related film to drop?

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