Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - July 5, 2019

2:54 David Rosen

Was there any part of you that wished they’d made professor hulk’s voice a little deeper in Endgame? Between Avengers and Thor Ragnarok, where it appeared like they did deepen his voice, I remember it being a little jarring to see Mark Ruffalo's unaltered voice coming from such a huge body. I know it’s a rather minor nitpick, but did this bother you at all?

3:39 Alex Ward 

What is your opinion on the MCU's title pattern for the Spider-Man movies? I thought "Homecoming" worked perfectly, but I don't really understand why they're continuing with the "home" thing for its sequels. Do you think they'll drop this idea for the third film, or after two films, is it here to stay?

5:01 Giuseppe Vicaretti

What are your thoughts on Howard the Duck? Are they going to stick to just cameos with him or will they eventually give us his own show and or movie? Do you want to see more of Howard the Duck or have we seen enough of him?

5:55 Linc

Would you be interested in a Kevin Feige-led (or Favreau-led) season 2 of Defenders by Netflix, fixing up and tidying up everything?

8:12 Tom DeMichele

We of course have famous character pairings in the MCU—such as Tony and Bruce, the “Science Bros”—with in-depth development that receive a lot of screentime. But what are some of your favorite more subtle, low-key relationships in the MCU? I really like Falcon and War Machine’s dynamic, for example.

10:35 Mike Garrison

Where do you think they could be taking the storyline involving Flash’s parents? There were a couple instances where they wanted us to notice their absence to Flash.

12:36 Alex Ward

Do you think the post-credits scene of Far From Home changes the entire film? Or was that not the point? Do you think we could rewatch it and see hints that it wasn't actually Fury?

14:52 David Rosen

There’s been the trend that most mid/post credit scenes tend to point to two movies ahead, which at this point would seems to be Eternals. If what we saw in the post credits scene was SWORD, do you have any idea how that scene could be teeing things up for Eternals? Perhaps they detect the Celestials coming to earth?

16:25 Alex Klein

Any thoughts behind the “Don’t invoke her name” Fury/Talos says about Captain Marvel?

17:24 Robert Klauser

Seeing as how things unfolded on FFH, do you think that the theory of keeping Earth-based stories and cosmic one separate for the foreseeable future of the MCU has sort of been answered by the end credit scene in the film? 

20:21 David Rosen

Ever since Avengers came out, it’s felt like a unique burden has been put on the next movie to succeed not only financially, but story wise and to keep the story moving and interesting following the big team up event. So of the four post Avengers movies (Iron Man 3, Antman, Antman and the Wasp, and now Far From Home, which one do you feel did the best job keeping thing interesting and propelling the story forward? And in case there’s a different answer, which one was just your flat out favorite to follow an Avengers movie, for whatever reason you want?

25:50 Alex Klein

If I’m remembering right, in homecoming it shows that peters suit records everything through his eyes. Couldn’t they easily have him show the footage of his fight with Mysterio, up until the point he takes his mask off? It would clear his name but give more focus to just the fact that his identity is public

28:34 David Rosen

How do you think the mid credits scene will  affect the character of Adrian Toomes? Peter’s secret, which was valuable currency to him, is now worthless, so what do you think becomes of him?

31:15 Paul Shearman

Hey everyone - hope you’ve all enjoyed Spider-Man Far From Home!! Sean, was it just my ears or did you pick up that Nick Fury had a bit of a lisp throughout the movie? It was bugging me all the way through - and then it made sense at the end when we saw he was actually Talos! P.S. really enjoyed the spoiler review you and Paul put out.

31:47 Cory Kostiuk

Hey Sean and everyone hope all is well. Do you think we will ever see Thor and Spiderman cross paths?

32:49 Alex Ward

Do you think Peter's identity reveal will disrupt the Harry Potter-esque school-year structure of the MCU Spidey films? I can't see him going to school like normal with his life in danger like that--it's almost like the next film will have to start right where this one left off.

36:34 Alex Ward

You made a great point about the post credits scenes of the Infinity Saga being book-ended with Nick Fury. Is it possible to therefore interpret the Skrull station scene as Fury's actual retirement from active duty, and/or the films in general?

37:29 Linc

Do you think Peter will accept being outed, or do you think he'll try to pretend it's fake news, given the partisan, vitriolic mouthpiece who shared it?

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