1:12 David Rosen

I’m not usually one to try and point plot holes just for the sake of nitpicking a movie, however after several rewatches of Far From Home, there is one thing that still bugs me (pun intended) about the bus scene where Peter almost kills Brad. It was hard for me to believe  that Edith would fire on a target that Peter was so close to, not to mention kill innocent bystanders. But on the bridge later on in the final battle, Edith doesn’t fire on Peter because she says Quentin is in the target area. Is this an issue for you and is there a way to explain why Edith would fire on a nearby target for Peter, but not for Beck?

3:43 steven_84

Are there any other actors you’d like to pull a Marhershala Ali and call Feige up to pitch a project? I have to think this casting will spark writers to work on a script as well as have potential directors asking to work with Ali.

5:50 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Since Kevin Feige officially confirmed that what was presented at Hall H is the entire Phase 4 slate. Is it safe to assume that the other titles not mentioned will be in phase 5? Also, is there a small hope that Phase 5 will begin or even end with The Avengers facing Dr. Doom and the the big crossover event we get could be Avengers: DOOM introducing the Fantastic Four?

9:23 steven_84

So we are getting 3 live action series and an animated series on Disney + in 2021 alone; Do you think 3 live action series in one year is realistic, or do you think that will balance out to 2 a year going forward? Perhaps one of those 2021 projects was intended for 2020, and it just got pushed back?

11:34 Yanni Dendrinos

hey Sean, hope all is well. after SDCC we know that the X-Men and F4 are going to be brought into the MCU (most likely in Phase 5), what do you think would be an interesting and unique way to bring each of these super teams into this universe?

14:13 Mookie Johnson

Is Nova's "immediate potential " most likely to play out in phase 5 given the phase 4 announcements?

15:44 Mookie Johnson

Black Panther and Captain Marvel are obvious exclusions from phase 4. Do you think their movies might be the last two before the next Avengers film to help reset the audience for them leading the new team?

17:44 Mookie Johnson

Since Loki with the Tesseract was an Avenger level threat, does that mean the Avengers will be in his Disney+ series?

19:28 Cory Kostiuk

Hey Sean. I was wondering with Dr. Strange being a horror film do you think we will see the Mindless ones?

20:51 Brett Heier

Do you think marvel's most wanted or agent Carter could be brought back on Disney+?

22:07 Linc

Feige told Variety that there's no Avengers in phase 4 because Endgame was the "end", and that they'd be building things up again before another "major team-up". Do you think his explicit use of the word "team-up" and not "Avengers" suggests we might get a different major team-up in phase 5 instead? X-Men and Fantastic Four are obvious options, but what other team-up options are possible/probable given the stable of characters we have, or are soon to be introduced to?

24:08 Maya

Hey Sean! Assuming Sony and Marvel will renew their Spider-Man partnership, do you think we will see Peter Parker make an appearance somewhere in Phase 4? If so, which film or series do you predict will have this guest appearance?

26:17 Zack Butson

Much has been dismissed about Feige’s namedrop of “The Mutants” actually being the title of the MCU X-Men film. Given Alonso’s comments that the term “X-Men” is outdated, are you starting to think they might go with Mutants as the title after all?

27:24 Zack Butson

Ant-Man was the only titular hero owned by Marvel not given a spot on the slate, or among the six films mentioned as being in development after Phase 4. 2024 could be the earliest a third film could come out, 6 years between films. I don’t think it’s happening and I’m heartbroken! Has your confidence in Ant-Man 3 ever materializing been severely dropped over the weekend?

30:17 steven_84

While I can see how seeds can be planted for Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers, what are your thoughts on the Cabal? What characters now owned by Marvel would fit this group best?

32:24 Gio

Hey Sean! Although Mahershala Ali's Blade movie won't be part of phase 4, do you think he could make an appearance prior to his solo film, if so where do you think that would be?

34:12 Anthony Lawrey

Since Phase 4 seems to be testing new waters, do you think it’s success will alter any plans for Phase 5 if the fans don’t respond well to the addition (in Paul’s words) mysticism? 

37:21 David Rosen

Considering his casting for What If, what do you think the chances are that Jeffrey Wright will get to play, or at least voice, The Watcher in the MCU proper? What’s your best guess on where The Watcher could pop up first? I’m thinking Eternals is the most obvious,  but perhaps there’s somewhere else that makes sense?

38:59 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Out of all the Movies Marvel has released, what are Top 3 Favorite Movies based on the Score alone? Mine are Iron Man, Civil War and Endgame is my top Favorite

40:49 Woo S Kim

Do you feel that with the announcement of the Disney+ series that this series is introducing a new layer  for the character of Loki and one character that can be seen more now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe because it has now been confirmed that this is a previous version of the character than the one True Believers saw have character growth  in "Thor: The Dark World," "Thor: Ragnarok," and "Avengers: Infinity War" or do you feel this series is much more of a Swan Song for Loki and Tom Hiddleston?

43:29 Cory Kostiuk

Hey Sean. How do you think Flash will react to finding out that Peter is Spiderman?

45:27 Gabe

Hey Sean, I listened to your hall h episode. I'm new here so maybe this question was answered but do you think that the Loki that escaped with the tesseract can exist in the same timeline that 2014 Thanos was dusted or do they exist in separate timelines?

47:26 Phil Han

Hey Sean. Thanks for all the content. A lot of fun to listen to. In Spider-man Far From Home, do you think there's a chance that Jameson is Peter Billingsley's character playing a role for mysterio? They have the same hair cut and facial hair. Am I reading too much into this?

48:40 Alex Ward

You briefly touched on this in your SDCC coverage this week, but I was wondering if you could elaborate on whether Mahershala Ali's casting as Blade confirms that the Netflix shows are not canon and that actors from those shows might be mined for more "official" MCU content?

51:18 Alex Ward

How do you think the audience numbers for Disney+ Marvel shows will compare to box office numbers? We know so little about ratings for streaming services so I was wondering if there will be any way for the public to gauge viewership numbers.

54:54 Ji Shur

Wanda Vision seems like a perfect jump off point for mutants to be introduced using Scarlet Witch's brother and father. Thoughts. And if that was done, do we make too much about the "well, where were those people when all the chaos was going down?" kinda thing when trying to sync it all up in a tight continuity bow?

56:53 Jake Wade

What do you think of Zac Efron for Human Torch in the MCU?

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