Intro: Sean talks about Marvel Studios' Hall H presentation.

7:46 Jake Wade

Do you think Doctor Strange 2 will perhaps delve a bit into the fact that Strange knew that Tony was going to die and basically had to set things in motion so that happened? I imagine that would make him feel guilty despite it being the right thing to do. Is this something you'd like to see explored or do you think they'll just gloss over this and disregard it?

10:15 Giuseppe Vicaretti

My question for you this week is related to the Post Credit scene of Far From Home. Assuming that the Ship Nick Fury is on, is SWORD, when do you assume we will see it next? I want to say we should see it in Thor's next movie or the Guardians. What do you think?

11:33 Alex Ward

Hi Sean, what are your thoughts on physically snapping the gauntlet's fingers being the triggering mechanism needed to activate the fullest extent of the Infinity Stones' power? 

13:09 Alex Ward

To extrapolate on the obvious parallels between the MCU's take on J. Jonah Jameson and Alex Jones, do you think Peter Parker will end up being someone that the general public knows is innocent of serious crimes or offenses, while Jameson's hardcore supporters see Spidey as the devil incarnate?

15:27 David Rosen

Considering that Ultron was still on Tony’s mind at the beginning of End Game when he gets back to earth, do you think EDITH was Tony’s second attempt to build a suit of armor around the world, just without the murderous A.I. component?

17:23 Cory Kostiuk

Hey Sean hope your doing well . In Spiderman far from home in the beginning when Spiderman is accepting the check. Do you think that the little girl who asked  question is Ms Marvel?

17:37 steven_84

How would you feel about the Disney + shows if they are planning a team up among the characters just in those shows? There is a pretty good Earth bound team you could make there with Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, and (maybe) Hawkeye. Maybe they could face off with or team up with the Loki who escaped from 2012 in Endgame? Would this be a fun direction, or do you think it would isolate these characters away from the movies the way the Defenders were?

19:59 Alex Klein

After the Rushmore episode I listened to your top ten moments. You said that no other moment could compete with that tracking shot. After seeing the rest of the movies in the saga, would you stand by that or would something like portals be your #1

21:07 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean do you think Thor 4 will be Chris Hemsworth’s final time playing Thor??

21:40 ATLawrey

After listening to the Mount Rushmore episode it got me thinking about all of the villains we’ve seen so far. Who would be your Mount Rushmore of villains we’ve currently seen in the MCU (excluding Thanos because that’s too obvious!)

29:21 Alex Ward

Do you make anything of these "inactive Facebook pages" for various characters that some sites are saying could allude to future films and shows?

33:30 Mookie Johnson

Given how much MCU time has passed since  Age of Ultron, is it safe to assume he won't return as a villain?

34:11 Mookie Johnson

What projects could white tiger appear if she were to arrive in Phase 4?

35:40 Ben Larson

What was the live experience of the Marvel Hall H panel like? I was just following along on Twitter and I felt overwhelmed (in a good way) by all the announcements. The live experience must've been pretty wild.

39:36 Giuseppe Vicaretti

How did you react with Kevin's final statements regarding Fantastic Four, Mutants, etc. Did it feel good having that confirmed? Did you have a feeling that it was already in the works?

43:08 el_comedia

Has Marvel (Marvel studios, specifically) gotten better or worse at keeping secrets?

47:03 steven_84

Are you worried at all that there was no mention of Spider-Man, or is that just an issue of timing to wait and see how Far From Home finishes its box office?

49:50 ATLawrey24

I don’t know what your reaction was when Chris Evans was cast Steve Rogers after he was already Johnny Storm in F4, but do you imagine the MCU would be as successful if they had to recast Evans (or any of the other major 5) in the manner in which they recast Ruffalo to take over for Norton? I’m just curious your thoughts of how negatively the MCU could have been affected if they ran themselves into another “creative script dispute” like they did with Norton (per reports). 

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