0:19 Linc

Do you think Thanos' army would have fought for him, or rejected him, at the end of Endgame if they'd known he'd modified his plans from halving the universe to starting it over entirely? None of them was down there in earshot when he stated his plans to Thor, Tony and Steve.

1:56 Michael Weaselboy 

Do you think we will see Wesley Snipes in Black panther 2 or the blade reboot??

2:57 Woo S Kim

If you could make any request from a creative standpoint in the current state or the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that request be approved, what would it be and why? I want the Spider-Man film rights to go to Disney and I want the SUMC to end before it begins, what say you Sean?

6:09 Giuseppe Vicaretti 

I'm gonna go more into my question from back in September here Sean, regarding WandaVision. Because we can now (hopefully safely) assume that some of the Show will be in Black and White, they could take that quality and do whatever they would want with it. How do you think we could see them go about this? 

What I mean is, they could give some shots periodically throughout the episode in B&W. Or, what I think could be more effective and more meaningful is, because the story itself is Wanda's own "created reality", have that created reality be shot in Black and White, and what is the true MCU reality be shot in color. I feel like I'm thinking way too into this, what do you think would be the most effective way for them to go about this Sean?

9:36 Steven 84

As Marvel Studios starts staking claim to four movie release dates per year, is it possible that this will “crowd out” attempts by Sony to expand their universe and release more live action movies? A Venom 2018 situation may not be able to happen in this new climate, because people will have better options. I’m looking specifically at the October 2022 release date claimed by Marvel Studios. Venom was October 2018, Venom 2 will be October 2020... so is it possible that Marvel taking October 2022 delivers a bit of a knockout blow to the Venom franchise? (And by extension, the Sony Spiderverse)

23:13 Mookie Johnson

In Avengers Endgame when the Ancient One separated spirit from his body, it was only Banner who projected. 

Should Hulk have been projected also since Smart Hulk was a merger of the personalities? I figure the out of story answer it that the scene was too important for time travel setup to deal with a hulk spirit being separated, but I'm curious your perspective of this.

26:00 Steven 84

Agent Carter’s position as “most canon” Marvel Television series has me thinking: what time periods in the history of the MCU could Marvel Studios safely explore (on Disney + or Hulu) without messing too much with continuity? Or perhaps a better question would be : what time periods would be the most fun to explore? I always wanted to see Peggy and Howard get to the point where they founded SHIELD.

34:34 Maya

Hey Sean! I would love to hear your thoughts on how you see “love story” narratives evolving during a time where women’s empowerment and deconstructing gender norms is at an all time high. Thankfully we are past the cringe-worthy, early James Bond depictions of love/romance, but have you noticed any significant changes in “love” storytelling within the last 5 years? In addition, do you see Marvel Studios approaching future love storylines differently than those in the Infinity Saga, especially with more women as lead characters? After Marvel Studios decided to abandon Nat and Bruce’s romantic ties, I can’t help but wonder if they view romantic storylines as distracting.

51:36  Tim Torch

John Boyega recently said “You ain’t going to Disney+ me.” Could actors & actresses trying to “big time” be a problem for Marvel Studios moving forward?

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